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W&T Thermal Cam に関連する情報

Thermal Cam3X System overview


そもそもLEPTONサーモセンサーってなに? What is LEPTON thermosensor in the first place?


This sensor alone senses heat and shows thermal image. Thermal Images can be seen in the dark without any lighting. Please see the manufacturer site for details.

FLIR Lepton® | FLIR Systems

なぜ WROOM02 (ESP8266) を使うのか? Why use WROOM 02 (ESP 8266)?

その消費電力の少なさと価格の安さに尽きます。消費電力はESP32やPi Zero の約半分。基盤を選べば280mAhの極小リポバッテリーでLEPTON3の場合でも1時間以上赤外線動画を発信し続けます。

It consumes less power and lower price. Power consumption is about half of ESP32 and Pi Zero. If a good pcb is chosen, it will continue to transmit infrared video for over 1 hour even in case of LEPTON 3 with 280 mAh mini lipo battery.







This means that you can use it for various purposes, including toy drone. However, as we introduced in previous articles, there are many problems. LEPTON 3 with ESP 8266 and still be able to receive on iPhone from30~100 m .

The picture above is a board specializing in small drones and handled by Switch Science.Since there is nothing to improve on ESP 8266 naturally, there is no problem with skill. With this combination of this board and software of this time it was able to reproduce images with almost no noise of LEPTON 3 from iPhone under the condition that both are 100 m away.

Moreover, the place where we measured was a very bad environment with WIFI relay point of about 20 places. (Actual video can be confirmed below) 

Unfortunately the maximum video reception distance on a general board is around 35 m. This application does not choose a board, but if you want performance and stability, you need a custom pcb made by Wiwao. If you can successfully distribute movies with ESP 8266, there is nothing to benefit from using other processors or ESP32.

LEPTON3+Thermal Cam3をMavic Airに取り付けて撮影すると.......。When LEPTON 3 + Thermal Cam 3 is attached to Dobby and shot ........

次の動画は、Oosawaさんが小型ドローンMabic Airに今回のシステムを取り付けて、実際に太陽電池メンテナンス用にTestフライトを実施したものです。(協力:大澤 雄一郎)

The following video is Oosawa's installed this system on a small drone Mabic Air and actually conducted a Test flight for solar cell maintenance.

      Thermal Cam3はUDP OSC通信をiPhoneデザリングで実現していますが、周りの妨害電波からほとんど影響を受けません。Thermal Cam 3 conducts UDP OSC communication with iPhone tethering, but it is not hardly affected by surrounding jamming waves.


Although the next movie is recording on the station premises where the WiFi relay point is likely to affect packets at around 20 places, it can be confirmed that there is no image noise at all, as the frame rate goes down slightly.

     夜なのにこんな画像が録画できます。Even though it is night, you can record such an image.


People, cars, landscapes, electric wires ...... This quality. It might be pretty good.   


100m離れた場所での画像です。It is an image at a place 100 m away.


There are 20 WIFI relay points on WROOM 02 (ESP 8266) side. There were 7 places on the iPhone side. It seems that a little packet loss (indicator yellow flashing), but the speed of the video was not a problem. For shooting this image, I use his latest board of Wiwao.


LEPTON 3 is swaying in the wind. It was confirmed that there was almost no delay and no image noise. This place is a residential area where the left side is a cliff soon and it is a place of "devil" that can not reproduce images satisfactorily if error correction of packet is not done properly.

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